The Wall of Fritz

A memorial to Fritz Perlberg was held November 1, 2006 at the home of Alan and Terry Morelli in Pacific Palisades, California.

Many of the 60 people who came brought photos taken through the years, and have sent in many more photos since. The photos were assembled by old friends Larry Lachman and Frank Catanzaro into a collage on boards and an easel provided by Mary make a
Wall of Fritz.

We took a composite of photos of this board, 6 ft. across and 4 ft. high. You can download a large PDF of this composite, suitable for printing at 8.5" x 11" (download size 14.2 Mbytes)
by clicking here.

And you can see details of some of the photos used, by visiting
the Main Gallery.


"The Wall of Fritz" photo composite;
click the image for a larger version

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